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Maui Orchid Society
Where Flowers & Fellowship Blossom

General Membership Meeting
Show & Tell
The purpose of the show table is to expose MOS members and guests to the wide variety of orchids, and to familiarize them to names and culture requirements of individual plants.
Length of ownership is not a criteria for submitting a plant for the show table. You may submit a plant that you have owned for less than 24 hours. Plants are judged on their popularity with the members, not on American Orchid Society standards.
Every member present is asked to vote for the plant that impresses them the most in each of the three groups. Votes will be submitted by paper ballot. Each plant shall have a unique number assigned by the owner and the owner's name shall appear on the back of the numbered paper placed in front of the plant. Voters will indicate by number their choice of plant in each of the three groups
Beginners: Any member who has not been awarded more than two first places in show table competition.
Intermediate: Any member show has not been awarded more than five first places in show table competition.
Advanced: Any member who has been awarded six or more first places in show table competition.
Winners: Members whose plants are awarded first place in each of the three groups will receive a free plant.
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