Maui Orchid Society
Where Flowers & Fellowship Blossom

General Membership Meetings
Maui Orchid Society's General Meetings are held on the third Tuesday of every month (except for December) at the Wailuku Community Center, located at 395 Waena Street, Wailuku.
The general meetings begin at 6:30 pm and the President will provide updates, followed by the guest speaker.
The Society also has Show & Tell tables as part of its general meetings where members are encouraged to bring their orchids from home. There are three divisions in the Show & Tell: Novice, Intermediate, and Advanced (dependent upon the number of times the owner has won the top pick by members). These orchids are also viewed by the American Orchid Society (AOS) certified judges, to determine whether they qualify for any AOS awards. Additional AOS judging will be available on Maui at the Haliimaile Annex. For more information on AOS judging on Maui, please click here. As a side note, anyone in the orchid community may present a plant for judging, i.e., they do not have to be members of MOS or AOS. However, there is a price to the exhibitor to process the award with AOS: $40 for AOS members and $60 for non-members. The awardee does receive a nice certificate of recognition and the award is published in the AOS' magazine and website. If interested, membership to the AOS is $81per year which include hard copies of monthly magazines.
Sales events, special events, and nursery tours are benefits of membership. Yearly membership is $20 for a single member and $30 for a two-member household. Membership is free for seniors who are 80 years old and over. Moreover, new members receive an orchid just for joining!
Download the Membership Application & Renewal form by clicking on the link. Mail it in with your check or bring your payment with you to our next monthly meeting. The mailing address for the Maui Orchid Society is:
P.O. Box 2061, Kahului, Hawaii 96733.
"Okika No Ka Oi"
Monthly newsletters are emailed to members.
Society's shirts are Land’s End 100% Cotton Banded Mesh Polo Shirts for $35.00 and Basic jersey shirts for $20.00 featuring the Maui Orchid Society's logo. Prices include shipping and tax. Click on the shirt to view available shirts and colors. See Andy Ho at the general meetings for more information.

Membership Benefits
Benefits include:
Informative monthly meetings
Monthly emailed newsletter Okika No Ka Oi
International guest speakers sharing orchid growing knowledge
Networking with other orchid enthusiasts
Field trips for members
Many opportunities to add to your orchid collection
New members receive a free orchid plant
Access to our website
Contact with experienced and knowledgeable M.O.S. members for advice on the propagation and care of your orchids
Intrinsic knowledge that aids in research, conservation & education
Opportunities to display blooming orchids and compete for Member Ribbon Judging at our General Meeting's Show & Tell.
We look forward to welcoming you as a new member of Maui Orchid Society with a complimentary orchid plant at your first orchid society meeting.
If you are a member of the Maui Orchid Society and have provided us with your email address, but are not receiving our monthly newsletter, please click here and fill all fields.