Maui Orchid Society
Where Flowers & Fellowship Blossom

Please refer back to this site for further announcements.
2022 Maui Fair
Registration of show orchids will be on dates to be announced
9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m.
Registration Form
The registration form requires the names of the plants. If the name is not available, then insert "No Name". FYI, "No Name" plants do not qualify for First Place Ribbons.
The registration form also asks for an ID Number. If this is your first show or you don't remember, the registration person will be able to help you. The ID Number is used to identify your plants instead of showing your name. Also, each of your plants will need an ID card that will be available at the registration table.
No artificial, dyed, altered flowers or plants are permitted.
Flowering plants other than orchids are prohibited.
Misting bottles may be used to LIGHTLY spray plants during a show.
All plants should be properly labeled.
MOS will not be responsible for any damage or loss of any plants or materials. However, MOS will exercise every precaution for their safekeeping.
Leaves or seeds of foliage plants should not detract from the orchid arrangement.
No plants are to be removed before breakdown on Wed, 4 pm.
All exhibitors and plant owners must be current members of MOS.
All plants must be free of pests and diseases.
Good Luck!
The planning and staging of an orchid show entail a great deal of hard work by many people, but in the end, the exhibits are the show. You are an exhibitor whether you enter a single plant or stage a 200 square foot exhibit!
The Maui Orchid Society appreciates every member that participates and would like to provide the following suggestions to help you prepare your exhibit and enjoy the experience.
Know the setup and judging dates and times.
Do not be deterred from exhibiting because of inexperience. You can only gain experience by accepting the challenge and doing your best.
Plants for exhibit should receive special attention. Stake the flower stems of Paphiopedilums during the entire growth process. For Cattleyas, stake and tie the stems before the buds emerge from the sheath. Stake and spray orchids before buds begin to open. Do not change the position of any plant after buds are mature.
Wash discolorations using mild soap suds from leaves before exhibiting. Artificial leaf shine products should not be applied.
Pots should be clean or covered. Decorative pots or baskets may be used.
Water your plants thoroughly before bringing them to the show.
Labels should be large enough to read easily, but not be obtrusive. Proper spelling and abbreviations matter.
Do not wait until the last minute to set up your exhibit.
Do not say of a prize-winning plant, "I have a better one at home." Bring it to the show because it can't win at home.
Do not expect prizes for flowers just because you are especially fond of them. Learn the standards set for excellence for each type of orchid and the rules of good judging.
By volunteering to be on a judging team, you will gain an understanding of the difficult decisions judges must sometimes make.
Be a good sport and have fun.
All plants must be set up by 5:00 pm, Sunday, so that the submitted plants may be placed into judging categories by Judging Chair
American Orchid Society (AOS) merit and ribbon judging will commence at 9:00 am on Wednesday. Decision of the judges shall be final.
Those who do not wish to have their plants judged for AOS merit awards, should indicate so on plant registration sheet. Those who choose to do so, must be willing to pay the usual fee for any award given to their plant.
Judges will have the privilege of pointing out any disqualification of nominated plants to the Chair.
If a flower is apparently immature, it may be disqualified.
Mechanical damage may not disqualify a plant if, in the judge’s opinion, the damage occurred in transport. If a flower or flowers break off, place said flower(s) in the pot.
All judges can score in the following categories at their discretion: First, Second, Third and The Best in Show.
The Best in Show will be determined by secret ballot by judges who have not received a blue ribbon in the show.
If you have not signed up, but want to, please contact Bert at jakitake@hotmail.com
or (808) 250-1585.
Vendors are required to enter plants in the show. If you exhibit two plants, you may sell two plants; exhibit twelve plants, then you may sell unlimited plants.
Selling space will be proportional to the number of plants exhibited.
Vendors are responsible for the sale of their plants during show hours. If vendor is unable to be present, arrangement should be made to have a representative present or to ask the help of another vendor.
Any plants in pots must be established and free of pests and diseases. Bare root cuttings and divisions are allowed.
If you have not signed up
to be a Vendor, but want to,
please contact Bert at jakitake@hotmail.com
or (808) 250-1585.